Getting started

This document describes some of the basics of installing and running the Jupyter Kernel Gateway.

Using pip

We make stable releases of the kernel gateway to PyPI. You can use pip to install the latest version along with its dependencies.

# install from pypi
pip install jupyter_kernel_gateway

Once installed, you can use the jupyter CLI to run the server.

# run it with default options
jupyter kernelgateway

Using jupyter/minimal-kernel

The docker-stacks project defines a minimal-kernel Docker image. The Dockerfile for this image installs the kernel gateway and sets it as the default container command. You can run an instance of this container with the following commands:

docker pull jupyter/minimal-kernel
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 jupyter/minimal-kernel

Using another docker-stacks image

You can add the kernel gateway to any docker-stacks image to get a more feature-filled kernel environment. For example, you could define a Dockerfile like so:

# start from the jupyter image with R, Python, and Scala (Apache Toree) kernels pre-installed
FROM jupyter/all-spark-notebook

# install the kernel gateway
RUN pip install jupyter_kernel_gateway

# run kernel gateway on container start, not notebook server
CMD ["jupyter", "kernelgateway", "--KernelGatewayApp.ip=", "--KernelGatewayApp.port=8888"]

You can then build and run it.

docker build -t my/kernel-gateway .
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 my/kernel-gateway