Development Workflow

This document includes instructions for setting up Dockerized development environment for the Jupyter Kernel Gateway. It also includes common steps in the developer workflow such as running tests, building doc, updating specs, etc.


Install docker and docker-machine on your system. Create and activate a Docker VM for development.

docker-machine create -d virtualbox dev
eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"

Clone the repo

Clone this repository in a local directory that your local Docker VM can volume mount:

# make a directory under ~ to put source
mkdir -p ~/projects
cd !$

# clone this repo
git clone

Build the development image

Build a Docker image containing additional dev libraries.

make image

Run the tests

Run the tests suites under Python 2 and 3.

make test-python3
make test-python2

Run the gateway server

Run an instance of the kernel gateway server.

make dev

To access the running server:

  1. Run docker-machine ls and note the IP of the dev machine.
  2. Visit http://THAT_IP:8888/api in your browser where THAT_IP is the IP address returned from the previous step.

Build the docs

Run Sphinx to build the HTML documentation.

make docs

Update the Swagger API spec

After modifying any of the APIs in jupyter-websocket mode, you must update the project’s Swagger API specification.

  1. Load the current swagger.yaml file into the Swagger editor.
  2. Make your changes.
  3. Export both the swagger.json and swagger.yaml files.
  4. Place the files in kernel_gateway/services/api.
  5. Add, commit, and PR the changes.