jupyter-websocket ModeΒΆ

The KernelGatewayApp.api command line argument defaults to jupyter-websocket. In this mode, the kernel gateway defines the following web resources:

  • /api (metadata)
  • /api/kernelspecs (what kernels are available)
  • /api/kernels (kernel CRUD, with discovery disabled by default, see --list_kernels)
  • /api/kernels/:kernel_id/channels (Websocket-to-ZeroMQ transformer for the Jupyter kernel protocol)
  • /api/sessions (session CRUD, for associating information with kernels, discovery disabled by default, see --list_kernels)
  • /_api/activity (activity metrics for all running kernels, enabled with --list_kernels)

Discounting features of the kernel gateway (e.g., token auth), the behavior of these resources is equivalent to that found in the Jupyter Notebook server. The kernel gateway simply imports and extends the handler classes from the Jupyter Notebook.